In the intense world of “Lift,” a thrilling heist adventure that brings together the dynamic duo of Kevin Hart and Gugu Mbatha-Raw, the film offers a rollercoaster of emotions, earning a solid 7 out of 10. Set against the conditions of a daring mission to snatch half a billion dollars worth of gold bars from a commercial airliner traveling from London to Zurich, “Lift” takes audiences on a wild ride filled with humor, suspense, and unexpected twists.
Kevin Hart, known for his infectious charisma and comedic timing, steps into the shoes of Cyrus, the mastermind behind the audacious heist. Hart’s portrayal brings a delightful touch of humor to the film, injecting a dose of lightheartedness into the tension-filled narrative. As the charismatic leader, Cyrus adds a layer of excitement to the high-stakes operation, ensuring that viewers are not just on the edge of their seats but also chuckling along the way. But just because he is mainly known for jokes doesn’t mean in some parts of this film, he can get serious when needed.
Opposite Hart, Gugu Mbatha-Raw takes on the role of Interpol agent Abby Gladwell. Mbatha-Raw’s performance provides a nuanced and compelling counterpart to Hart’s exuberance. Abby’s reluctance to recruit Cyrus and his team, linked with a mysterious past between her and the heist mastermind, adds depth to the plot. The chemistry between the two leads, while not reaching its full potential, manages to keep the audience engaged and invested in the unfolding narrative.
The supporting cast, each with a specific role in the elaborate heist, contributes to the film’s overall charm. From the pilot Camila (played by Úrsula Corberó) to the hacker Mi-Sun (Yun Jee Kim) and the master of disguise Denton (Vincent D’Onofrio), the ensemble cast plays their parts with a certain flair. One standout is Billy Magnussen as the safecracker Magnus, whose delightfully goofy performance brings a refreshing and humorous element to the crew. It’s as if he’s in a different movie, one that you wish had a bit more screen time.
While “Lift” is not without its flaws, as some critics note occasional detachment of special effects from reality and a desire for more character depth, these concerns seem minor against the film’s achievements. The movie’s success in securing a spot in the top ten in America on exclusively Netflix speaks to its broad appeal and its ability to capture the audience’s attention.
The plot, although centered around the tried-and-true premise of a high-stakes heist, manages to keep things fresh with unexpected plot twists. The journeying adventure, featuring shiny aerial shots of European destinations like Venice, London, and Brussels, adds a visually appealing layer to the film. Each location, while running together at times, contributes to the overall excitement of the narrative.
In terms of the action, “Lift” relies on zippy editing tricks—sped-up sequences, zooms, and montages—to create a sense of thrill. However, as the movie progresses, some of these elements might feel repetitive and wearisome. It’s as if the film’s exhilarating moments come at the cost of dullness.
Nevertheless, “Lift” seems to find its sweet spot when viewed with a certain mindset. Picture yourself on a flight, seeking something entertaining and mindless to pass the time. In that scenario, the film’s zippy sequences might be just what you need to make the journey a tad more enjoyable.
In conclusion, “Lift” stands as a rollercoaster heist adventure that, despite its minor imperfections, delivers an entertaining and engaging experience. With charismatic performances from Kevin Hart and Gugu Mbatha-Raw, unexpected plot twists, and moments of humor, the film secures its place as a recommended watch for those in search of a wild ride. So, buckle up and get ready for an exhilarating journey into the world of “Lift.”
Official rating: 7/10